Entries with Topic: HR Knowledge

Question: It seems like we’ve had a lot of candidates ghosting us recently. Is there anything we can do to prevent this?

Answer: Nothing you do will prevent ghosting altogether, but there are steps you can take to keep candidates engaged and discourage them from just disappearing on you:

  • Start with a clear, descriptive job posting so they understand exactly what they are applying for.
  • Have a transparent recruitment process so every candidate knows what to expect even before they apply. Provide an outline of the interview process on your website and an estimated timeframe.
  • Communicate frequently throughout the process, especially if your process gets delayed. Even if you don’t have an update about their advancement, candidates appreciate knowing your timeline. For example, you could share something like, “We’ll finish the first round of interviews next week and will reach out the following week to let you know whether you’ll be moving to the next round.”
  • Encourage questions from candidates and answer them as quickly and thoroughly as you can.
  • Confirm with the candidate that they are still interested in the role as they move through the process.
  • Remove unnecessary steps that aren’t adding to the overall experience or won’t affect the final decision.

This Q&A does not constitute legal advice and does not address state or local law.

This Q&A was provided by Mineral, powering the UST HR Workplace. Have HR questions? Sign your nonprofit up for a FREE 60-day trial here. As a UST member, simply log into your Mineral portal to access live HR certified consultants, 300+ on-demand training courses, an extensive compliance library, and more.

Ever since the Great Resignation reared its head in 2021, nonprofits have been struggling to recruit and retain staff. The nonprofit sector thrives on passion and purpose. Employees dedicate their time and energy to causes they care about and are often driven by a desire to make a difference. However, passion alone isn’t enough to sustain long-term commitment or satisfaction in their roles. Just like their counterparts in the for-profit world, opportunities for growth and development help nonprofit employees stay engaged, feel valued, and continue to contribute at a high level.

On the surface, employee development is straightforward: Train employees to improve their existing skillset and build new skills on top of that. But there are benefits beyond training. Employee development is also a way to maintain the success of organizations for the future. As organizations continue to grow, or as Baby Boomers retire and leave, existing employees are the key to keeping organizations stable and engaged in their communities.

There are multiple benefits that can result from creating an organization that prioritizes employee development.

  • Engagement: Development opportunities show that the company values its employees, leading to higher job satisfaction and engagement.
  • Retention: Employees who feel they are growing and advancing are more likely to stay with the company long-term, stabilizing the workforce and reducing turnover costs.
  • Leadership: Cultivating internal talent to take on leadership roles ensures there is a steady pool of qualified leaders to step in to key positions when necessary.
  • Productivity: Skilled and well-trained employees are more efficient and can contribute to better overall performance.
  • Innovation: Employees exposed to new skills and ideas are more likely to innovate, bringing fresh perspectives and solutions to the company.
  • Strengthens Company Culture: Development programs contribute to a positive and growth-oriented company culture, fostering collaboration and a shared sense of purpose.
  • Cost Savings: Since it avoids recruitment costs and reduces the time needed for onboarding, internal development is often more cost-effective than replacing exiting employees.

The 2024 Workplace Learning Report from LinkedIn Learning notes that providing learning and development opportunities is the number one retention strategy executives planned to implement in 2024, with studies showing that companies with a learning culture have a 57% higher retention rate than companies that don’t. There are several ways to develop talent among your existing pool of employees. Some of the most impactful forms of employee development are free or cost little to provide – which is a plus for nonprofits which oftentimes have limited funds for training and development.

There are many ways to add to and advance the skillsets of employees—thereby having a long-lasting impact on your workforce and the long term success of your nonprofit.

  • Provide on-the-job training and workshops
    • Offer job-specific, skill-building programs (in-person or online) that help employees learn new techniques or sharpen their expertise.
    • The impact of training positively impacts performance by equipping them with essential skills and knowledge which enhances confidence and capability.
    • Allow employees to work in different departments or roles temporarily to broaden their skill sets and perspectives.
    • Organize internal or external workshops to provide learning opportunities on topics relevant to employees’ roles or career goals.
  • Career Development Plans
    • Work with employees to map out a long-term career path, including setting goals and identifying the skills they need to achieve them.
    • Meet with and coach employees on a quarterly basis to go over their development plans and keep them on track toward accomplishing their goals.
  • Train today’s employees to become tomorrow’s leaders
    • Provide training focused on developing leadership skills, preparing high-potential employees for managerial or executive roles
  • Network Opportunities
    • Encourage employees to attend industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events to expand their professional networks and knowledge.
  • Mentor and Coaching Opportunities
    • Develop a formal mentoring program to help develop potential leaders on the team. If your nonprofit cannot support a mentoring program, consider partnering with other local organizations or businesses to find professionals to partner with. Allow time during normal work hours for mentoring sessions.
  • Online Learning Platforms
    • Give access to e-learning platforms (e.g., Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera) where employees can take courses at their own pace.

Whether it’s through formal training programs, mentorship or leadership development, nonprofits can create a culture that prioritizes the growth and development of their staff. The long term benefits of encouraging development will ultimately benefit the organization through employee satisfaction, retention, and organizational success. Investing in people is investing in the future of the nonprofit itself.

UST understands that employee retention is critical in helping nonprofits achieve their missions. Leveraging the right strategies and building skill sets helps nonprofits retain engaged employees which leads to a more successful mission. For more ideas on ways to up-skill your valued employees, take advantage of UST’s Free 60-day HR Trial. UST HR Workplace is a dynamic cloud-based platform offering HR tools, templates, and trainings.


How Professional Development Can Boost Employee Engagement – Wharton Online (upenn.edu)



Question: We would like to add a working interview to our selection process. Is this permitted and are there other options to help us finalize our selection?

Answer: Yes, you can have a working interview as part of your selection process, but there’s a big caveat. If you have the candidate do “real work” that is useful to your business, you’ll need to hire them as a temporary employee, have them complete new hire paperwork, pay them at least the minimum wage, and then jump through any termination hoops if you don’t hire them. You can’t lawfully classify them as an independent contractor for this purpose. Here are a few more things keep in mind:

  • It will likely be most convenient for you to write a check to the candidate at the end of the working interview. But if not, make sure they get paid within the time frame required by your state’s final pay laws.
  • If a candidate is injured during the working interview, you may be liable for a workers’ compensation claim.
  • You’ll want to be clear with the candidate that the working interview is not an offer of employment. When the work is completed, give them a timeline for when they can expect to hear back from you.

If you’d prefer to avoid the hassle of hiring candidates as temporary employees, there are alternatives that can yield similar results. Here are two we recommend:

  • Test candidates’ skills by assigning them a task to complete. This task should be something that can be completed quickly and that doesn’t benefit the organization—it shouldn’t be work that needs to get done. For example, you could have them process part of last week’s (redacted) payroll or have them write a particular type of client communication that has already been sent.
  • Allow candidates to observe a current employee doing the job for an extended period. Job shadowing shows candidates what to expect in the role and what sorts of tasks they’d be expected to perform. This will help them gauge their likelihood of success in the role.

This Q&A does not constitute legal advice and does not address state or local law.

This Q&A was provided by Mineral, powering the UST HR Workplace. Have HR questions? Sign your nonprofit up for a FREE 60-day trial here. As a UST member, simply log into your Mineral portal to access live HR certified consultants, 300+ on-demand training courses, an extensive compliance library, and more.

It’s no secret that many employees are thinking about changing jobs these days. In fact, research from Microsoft and LinkedIn says that almost half of American workers are considering a switch to a new job in 2024. That’s even higher than the numbers seen during the “Great Resignation” during 2022. While budget limitations are a reality for nonprofit organizations, supporting mental wellness efforts can help create a supportive environment where a strong sense of belonging helps outweigh a smaller paycheck. HR professionals working at nonprofits can help build higher employee satisfaction and boost retention by implementing four strategies designed around mental health.

What does that look like in real-world terms? The answers are reducing stress, fostering meaningful connections within your organization and the greater community, encouraging physical activity and providing opportunities for employees to grow and shine on the job.

Here are four ways HR professionals can achieve these goals within a nonprofit organization:

1. Give employees an outlet for their stress through an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP): EAPs give your employees an opportunity to proactively access mental and emotional support before major issues develop.

  • Most EAPs offer counseling services at a low cost to employers.
  • Having access to an EAP helps increase loyalty, retention and the overall reported well-being of employees.

IMPORTANT:  HR professionals need to do their homework when picking an EAP.  Things to look at include cost per visit, how many visits will be covered and the ROI for the organization.

2. Help employees build meaningful connections through Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): ERGs allow employees with shared identities or backgrounds to connect and create a stronger feeling of belonging.

  • ERGs can cover any dimension of diversity including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status and more.
  • ERGs can be an integral part of an organization’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. A key strategy is to align ERGs with your organization’s goals. In essence, an ERG should be a treasure of resources and an engine for change. The results would then be a powerful driver of your organization’s – and your employees’ – success.
  • If your nonprofit is too small to support its own ERG, consider connecting staff with community-wide ERGs – possibly with a Chamber of Commerce or United Way.

3. Encourage physical activity to help strengthen mental health: Exercise has long been associated with higher levels of mental health. It provides stress relief and enhances overall well-being.

  • Create policies that allow time during the workday for physical activity. Can lunches or breaks be extended for walking time? Could your organization sponsor in-house yoga sessions before or after work?
  • Try promoting “walking meetings” to get employees up and moving during their workday. This can also have the added benefit of enhancing connections between employees as they participate in a shared physical activity.
  • If your organization has the space, set up a “quiet room” with stretching and/or reflecting space, soft lighting and a reading or journaling nook. Having a space for employees to reset or decompress can be a thoughtful addition – especially for front-line employees who may face emotionally-charged situations as they deal with clients. It’s a simple way to show employees how much you value them.

4. Give employees opportunities to shine on the job and help them build new skills to boost their career: Research shows that employees who rate themselves as “thriving” in their job because their efforts are recognized, and they have opportunities to build new skills are three times less likely to switch jobs.

  • Especially for highly valued employees, consider how you could better use their strengths and give them opportunities to grow through new experiences. Could you assign “team leader” responsibilities or tap them for more prominent assignments during high-profile community events?
  • Think of training paths which would allow employees to job shadow other positions within your nonprofit.  This can help build in job redundancy for organizations with a small staff while also rewarding high-performing employees by teaching them new skills that could help them grow in their career.
  • Not all growth opportunities have to be within your nonprofit. Could employees expand their skills by serving on a community committee or board? Advocating for these types of opportunities can signal your faith in the employee while also increasing your organization’s visibility in the community.

For most nonprofits, focusing on financial compensation just isn’t a winning strategy when it comes to employee retention. Incorporating higher levels of mental health benefits which build a sense of belonging and employee engagement, on the other hand, can be a solid strategy to help you retain the key contributors to your organization.

UST understands the pressure nonprofits face when it comes to employee retention. For more ideas on ways to build a benefit package that includes solid mental and emotional rewards for your valued employees, take advantage of UST’s Free 60-day HR Trial. UST HR Workplace is a dynamic cloud-based platform offering HR tools, templates, and trainings. It empowers nonprofit employers to cultivate a safe, compliant, and productive workplace environment.






In the nonprofit sector, high turnover rates can disrupt organizational stability, morale, and mission effectiveness. A robust and supportive work culture is crucial for retaining dedicated staff and ensuring long-term success. According to Forbes, “The government reported a record number of Americans, 70 million, left their jobs in 2021, including 47.8 million departures counted as voluntary. This “Great Resignation” has left employers scrambling to fill vacancies, a problem that could get worse before it gets better.” This blog post explores the importance of cultivating a positive nonprofit work culture and offers actionable strategies to combat turnover.

Understanding the Challenge

Unlike the for-profit world, where financial incentives might be more prominent, nonprofit employees are often driven by passion and commitment to a cause. While this dedication is invaluable, it doesn’t shield nonprofits from the challenges of employee retention. High turnover can stem from burnout, lack of recognition, limited career growth opportunities, and inadequate support systems.

The Importance of a Supportive Work Culture

A supportive work culture in nonprofits fosters an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and empowered. It can lead to higher job satisfaction, better team collaboration, and enhanced productivity. Most importantly, it helps retain top talent, thereby reducing turnover rates and ensuring the continuity of the organization’s mission.

Benefits of a Positive Nonprofit Work Culture

  • Improved Employee Morale: When employees feel supported, their job satisfaction increases.
  • Increased Retention: A positive work environment reduces the likelihood of employees seeking opportunities elsewhere.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Supportive cultures promote teamwork and open communication, leading to more effective and innovative solutions.
  • Mission Continuity: Retaining knowledgeable staff ensures consistent progress towards achieving the organization’s goals.

Building a supportive work culture in nonprofits is not just a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity for retaining passionate and dedicated staff. By prioritizing employee well-being, fostering open communication, recognizing contributions, investing in development, encouraging team building, leading by example, and ensuring fair compensation, nonprofit leaders and HR managers can create an environment where employees thrive.

Ready to take the first step towards building a more supportive work culture in your nonprofit? Start by assessing your current practices and identifying areas for improvement. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in making your organization a place where employees are happy, engaged, and committed to making a difference.

Click here to read more blogs on how to support your team’s mental health.



Question: What can we do to reduce turnover and retain employees?

Answer: High turnover can quickly become costly. We recommend the following practices to increase retention:

  • Pick the right people in the first place. Put thought and care into your recruitment and interview procedures. The more time you and other employees can spend with candidates, the more certain you’ll be that they believe in your mission, understand the challenges of the position, and want to contribute to your success.
  • Make sure your compensation and benefits remain competitive. This is a tall order and may squeeze your bottom line in ways that make you uncomfortable, but it’s necessary if retention is at the top of your priority list. Make it a goal to do a yearly analysis of your total compensation package to ensure it’s at least keeping up with the market. Many employers that know they can’t offer competitive pay instead offer other compelling benefits, like generous paid time off and the ability to work from home.
  • Provide your employees with opportunities for professional growth. Talk to them about their career goals, develop and share career paths for their roles, and offer training and educational programs for those interested.
  • Be appreciative. A little gratitude can go a long way, and you can show it in multiple ways—from flexibility when employees need it to a willingness to hear out ideas to employee appreciation programs. Even a simple thank you can work wonders.
  • Investigate why people are leaving and look for themes. Engagement surveys, stay interviews, and exit interviews are useful tools for gauging employee satisfaction and understanding common pain points and frustrations.
  • Create an environment people enjoy, one that encourages healthy boundaries between work and personal time, roots out any bias, discrimination, or toxic behaviors, and facilitates opportunities for employees to socialize and form friendships.

This Q&A does not constitute legal advice and does not address state or local law.

This Q&A was provided by Mineral, powering the UST HR Workplace. Have HR questions? Sign your nonprofit up for a FREE 60-day trial here. As a UST member, simply log into your Mineral portal to access live HR certified consultants, 300+ on-demand training courses, an extensive compliance library, and more.

Most nonprofit employees bring a passion to their work.  They strongly believe in the mission of their organization and generally pour their heart and soul into their jobs daily. 

While this higher level of dedication can be a blessing to your nonprofit, it might also drain the mental health reserves of those same hard-working employees.  After all, even batteries need to be recharged.

The emotional well-being of employees – especially for those on the frontlines of your organization – works in much the same way:

  •  They make emotional withdrawals while assisting clients.
  •  They are frequently tasked with achieving more while having fewer resources.   
  • The financial constraints of nonprofits budgets can also increase employee stress levels. Whether it’s lower than typical pay that doesn’t cover everyday expenses due to inflation or perhaps costly expenses at home, the impact is real.

It can quickly add up to a mental health crisis for nonprofit employees.  Here are five practical solutions your organization can implement to make a difference for your employees.

1. Train managers on mental health issues and the resources available.  Your managers and frontline supervisors are often the key to implementing new policies and creating a supportive atmosphere.

    Studies show that training supervisors and managers about employee wellness and mental health helps those staff members better support their employees and more quickly identify signs of stress and mental health issues.

    And, it doesn’t have to eat up a lot of their time.  As little as 3 hours of training can help increase awareness of mental health and make your managers and supervisors more motivated to promote mental wellbeing for their employees.

    2. Increase employee options for autonomy and flexibility.  Giving employees more control over how and when they do their job can directly increase satisfaction and mental health.  An employee who feels empowered to do their job without excessive oversight is often more motivated – which can lead to enhanced performance for your organization.

    At the same time, certain employees may value job flexibility over other options due to their family circumstances.  A frontline employee with small children might appreciate the opportunity to take advantage of remote working options if their job doesn’t require in-person meetings with your nonprofit’s audience.

    3. Regularly share what mental health benefit options are available utilizing multiple channels.  If mental health benefits are only communicated during your nonprofit’s open enrollment window, they’re not likely to be front of mind or highly utilized when employees might need them. 

    Instead, make it a priority to post flyers in employee break rooms about your mental health care options (or free options from organizations such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness [NAMI]).

    Encourage managers to highlight mental health care benefits as they see employees facing challenging situations. And to help eliminate the stigma of using mental health benefits, ask the leaders of your nonprofit to communicate the importance of using available benefits to help all employees feel more comfortable reaching out for help when they’re stressed or overwhelmed.

    4. Emphasize work/life balance and self-care.  Your employees bring a passion to their job.  They feel a sense of urgency to serve your community and make a difference.  Many work long hours, take on additional responsibilities outside of the scope of their job or feel they need to be available 24/7.

    But that constant level of commitment often cannot be sustained without a healthy work/life balance. Emphasizing things like family time, making exercise a priority, getting enough sleep and taking care of themselves in general are great ways to help your employees switch off and recharge.

    5. Be mindful of burnout and actively intervene to help employees take a break from stressful situations.  Burnout is a real concern – especially for many of the top performers at your nonprofit. In a 2023 McKinsey survey of nonprofits, 88% of them reported stress levels at the “orange” or “red” level.  In those circumstances, burnout is a common result.

    Nonprofit work can be a balancing act.  The passion your employees bring to their jobs can be extremely fulfilling.  But at the same time, it can lead to emotional exhaustion – especially when dealing with challenging or unchanging social situations.

    Encourage managers and frontline supervisors to pay attention to employees working at an exceptionally high level for an extended period.  Provide them with extra flexibility to step away from their job functions for a few days.  Think of flexible ways you can reward them with work/life balance solutions to show your appreciation for their hard work.

    Prioritizing mental health shows your employees you value their contributions.  It’s a smart way to reward the passions they bring to your cause … while helping your nonprofit function at the highest levels.

    UST can help you focus on your mission while supporting your HR and financial needs.  Take advantage of UST’s Free 60-day HR Trial and discover how we can help your nonprofit manage your employees’ mental health needs. With UST HR Workplace, access Live Certified HR Experts, Work-from-Home Resources, 300+ Employee Training Courses, Thousands of Downloadable Forms & Checklists, an Online Employee Handbook Builder, and Job Description Tools. Our HR support lightens your workload, promoting better mental health so you can focus on what truly matters – your mission.







    Nonprofit professionals are the backbone of countless community initiatives and philanthropic efforts, often going above and beyond to make a difference. However, this dedication can lead to a hidden threat: burnout. While passion drives many in the nonprofit sector, it can also lead to mental and physical exhaustion. We aim to shed light on nonprofit burnout and offer actionable strategies for mental wellness.

    Understanding Nonprofit Burnout

    Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. For nonprofit professionals, burnout can manifest as fatigue, irritability, reduced performance, and feelings of helplessness.

    Why Nonprofit Professionals are Prone to Burnout

    • High Emotional Investment: Working closely with causes that matter deeply can be emotionally taxing.
    • Resource Constraints: Limited funding and staffing can lead to being overworked.
    • Constant Fundraising and Reporting: The pressure to secure funding and meet reporting requirements adds another layer of stress.
    • Work-Life Imbalance: The passion for the cause often blurs the line between work and personal life.

    Mental Wellness Strategies for Nonprofit Professionals

    To combat burnout, it’s crucial to adopt strategies that promote mental wellness. Feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout? You’re not alone. The demands of the nonprofit sector can be immense. Here are six actionable strategies to combat burnout and prioritize your mental well-being, allowing you to continue making a positive impact with renewed energy and focus.

    1. Prioritize Self-Care: Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep can significantly improve your mental and physical health.

    2. Set Boundaries: Create clear boundaries between work and personal life. Set specific work hours and stick to them. Turn off work notifications after hours to ensure you have time to recharge.

    3. Delegate Tasks: You don’t have to do everything yourself. Trust your team and delegate tasks where possible. This not only reduces your workload but also empowers your team members.

    4. Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling with burnout, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Therapists and counselors can provide coping strategies and a safe space to express your feelings.

    5. Foster a Supportive Work Environment: Cultivate a culture within your team that fosters open communication. Encourage your coworkers to comfortably share their struggles and seek support.

    6. Continuous Learning: Engage in employee training courses to enhance your skills and stay updated. This can help you feel more competent and confident in your role.

    While burnout in the nonprofit sector is a serious issue, it is not insurmountable. By prioritizing mental wellness and adopting the strategies outlined above, nonprofit professionals can continue to make a positive impact without sacrificing their well-being.

    Are you ready to take the next step in supporting your mental wellness and organizational efficiency? Sign up for UST’s free 60-day HR trial today! Gain access to live certified HR experts, work-from-home resources, over 300 employee training courses, downloadable forms and checklists, an online employee handbook builder, and job description tools.

    Get started with your free trial now!

    Remember, taking care of yourself is the first step in taking care of others.

    Question: We’ve been both super busy and understaffed recently. Is there anything we can do during this time to help our employees avoid extra stress or burnout before we can hire more employees?

    Answer:  Yes. Here are a few things you can do to make this time run as smoothly and stress-free as possible:

    Remove nonessential work duties: For the positions that seem most stretched, make a list of tasks that could be put on hold (or perhaps reassigned). You can invite input from employees, too, but I’d recommend acknowledging that they’re overwhelmed and saying that you’ll do your best to alleviate some of the pressure. Then hold off on nonessential tasks until business slows down or you’ve increased your headcount.

    Allow for flexible scheduling: If employees need to work longer hours on some days during the week, consider allowing them to work fewer hours on other days of the week. Note that some states have daily overtime, spread-of-hours, or split-shift laws.

    Budget for overtime: Employees may need to work extra hours to keep up with the current demands of their job, so allow them to work overtime if you (and they) can swing it. If you’re pretty sure overtime will be necessary, inform employees of that ahead of time, so they can plan accordingly.

    Ensure all equipment is fast and reliable: It’s important to identify, troubleshoot, and correct any slow or nonworking equipment issues (such as laptops, internet hardware, cash registers, or vehicles). If not resolved, these issues can slow down work and add to everyone’s stress.

    Look for ways to automate: Consider whether any of your employees’ manual and time-consuming tasks could be eliminated or simplified with the use of new or different technology.

    Increase safety protocols: Employee absences related to COVID have created a significant strain for many employers during the pandemic. Shoring up your safety protocols may reduce the risk of COVID-related absences because of sickness or exposure. Depending on your circumstances, examples include improving ventilation, encouraging or requiring vaccination, requiring employees to wear masks, and allowing employees to work remotely when possible.

    This Q&A does not constitute legal advice and does not address state or local law.

    This Q&A was provided by Mineral, powering the UST HR Workplace. Have HR questions? Sign your nonprofit up for a FREE 60-day trial here. As a UST member, simply log into your Mineral portal to access live HR certified consultants, 350+ on-demand training courses, an extensive compliance library, and more.

    Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in society, addressing various social, environmental, and humanitarian issues. However, running a nonprofit organization comes with many challenges, including limited resources, funding, and staff. Nonprofit leaders must constantly seek innovative ways to streamline their operations, cut costs, and maximize their impact and one way to achieve this is by adopting online software solutions.

    Online software solutions can help nonprofits address various challenges, such as financial management, HR support, and compliance. For instance, UST Workforce Solutions is designed to streamline your HR workflows while empowering your team and enhancing your employees’ development as your business expands. This approach ensures that nonprofits have sufficient funds to finance their operations and achieve their mission.

    Moreover, online software solutions provide tremendous HR support, which is essential in managing staff resources effectively. Nonprofit HR leaders can use these solutions to automate processes such as online training, employee handbook building, and job description builder. This approach frees up time and allows HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks that contribute to the organization’s mission.

    Another benefit to nonprofits of adopting online software solutions is access to thought leadership related to employment matters. UST offers incredible value to its members through its expertise in employment laws and regulations. This expertise helps nonprofits to stay compliant with various HR laws and regulations while also minimizing legal risks.

    One of the primary challenges associated with online software is ensuring the security of your data. Nonprofits handle sensitive information, such as donor details and financial records, making data breaches a significant risk. It’s crucial to choose software providers that prioritize data security and offer robust encryption and access controls to protect your information.

    Implementing new software often requires training your staff on how to use the system effectively. This can be a time-consuming process, especially if your team is not tech-savvy. To mitigate this challenge, look for software providers that offer comprehensive training resources, such as tutorials and webinars, as well as customer support.

    If you are a nonprofit leader looking to streamline your operations, cut costs, and maximize your impact, UST offers online workforce solutions that can help you achieve your goals. Fill out the UST Free Saving Analysis form today and see which of our online solutions can help your nonprofit. Don’t just take our word for it, see what one of our satisfied partners—the Georgia Center of Nonprofits—has to say. “In practice, how many payables transform into literal assets? UST builds financial assets, provides tremendous HR support, and offers incredible thought leadership related to employment matters. As a CEO, I would find it difficult to replace the value that UST brings tour organization.” 

    Adopting online software solutions is a game-changer for nonprofit organizations. With UST’s online solutions, nonprofits can transform payables into literal assets, access live HR support, and enjoy incredible thought leadership related to employment matters. Nonprofit leaders should take advantage of these benefits and embrace online software solutions to maximize their impact. To learn more about how UST can support your organization, click here.

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